About EOD MasterBlasters, Inc.
Meet the MasterBlasters Officers

Daniel Taber Tompkins,
MBI President
Mitch Shimmel,
MBI Vice President
Marshall "Baby Doc" Dutton,
MasterBlasters Secretary
Denise Dutton,
MasterBlasters Treasurer
Who We Are
The EOD MasterBlasters, Inc. is a service-oriented association and its main goal is to provide its membership with an avenue maintain contact, give support, build camaraderie, and share information with each other.
This is done through the semi-annual publication of the association newsletter, The Hellbox Times, and a membership roster published every other year, with updates in between each major roster publication. Further, an annual reunion is held in Ft. Walton Beach, FL, which in the past has brought members in, not only from around the United States, but also as far away as England.
The EOD MasterBlasters, Inc. mission is to provide support to members of the active duty and retired Air Force EOD Community who were wounded in action or are experiencing distress. Support takes the form of “get well” cards, flowers, etc.
This support is extended also to active duty and retired Air Force EOD non-members of the association. In addition, donations are made in the memory of members who crank off their Final Shot, or flowers are provided to individual’s funeral at the family’s choice. And, again, this is done for non-members as described above.
Lastly, since late 2005, the association provides support to active duty Air Force EOD personnel who are wounded in action, including their families. This support is further provided to the families of active duty Air Force EOD personnel killed in action.