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Membership Dues By-Laws

Section 1

Charter, Regular, and Associate Member Dues. Annual dues may be paid in one of the two following options:

  • Annually. $20.00 per year. Annual dues will be payable in the month of January each year.

  • Three-Year Payment $45.00 (includes dues for current year, plus two years advanced paid dues.

Section 2

Surviving Spouse. No annual membership dues shall be charged to surviving spouse members of the association.

Section 3

Corporate Sponsor. Dues shall be $100.00 per year, payable in January of each year.

Section 4

Lifetime Member Dues. Lifetime member dues shall be assessed according to the age of the member at the time he or she requests lifetime membership according to the following schedule:

  • 80 – $0.00

  • 71 to 79 – $75

  • 61 to 70 – $100

  • 51 to 60 – $125

  • 50 or under – $150

Lifetime memberships may be paid in four quarterly installments or in a single payment, at the discretion of the applicant. Lifetime membership will be conferred when the full fee is tendered.

Lifetime membership dues shall be deposited in a conservative financial program (e.g., passbook savings account, certificates of deposit or a bond mutual fund). Interest generated by the selected financial instrument shall only be used, if needed, to provide general operating funds for association activities as recommended by the treasurer.

Section 5

Dues Amount Changes. The amount of dues may be changed upon recommendation from the association Executive Leadership Committee. Dues for each category will be established by the ELC and published in the Application for Membership in The EOD MasterBlasters, Inc.

Section 6

Dues in Arrears. Any member who fails to pay dues for two years in a row shall be removed from the active membership rolls and placed on inactive status. Members on inactive status, with extenuating circumstances, may be reinstated upon application to the association President or upon payment of back dues.

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